Guidelines for LJFA Classes / Club Activity
The goal is to teach the art and science of fencing in a safe environment of mutual respect and self-discipline. Just as in a martial arts dojo, the traditions governing behavior in a fencing club have developed over the centuries. These traditions promote respect for one's self, one's opponent, the instructors, the weapons, and the tradition itself, as well as promoting safety. Repeated or egregious violations of protocols safety or sportsmanship will not be tolerated. Violators may be removed from class at the coaches' discretion.
- It is expected that each student enters and exits the venue respectfully.
- LJFA’s students must respond to a coach's request promptly and respectfully.
- Each fencer will salute his drill partner before and after every encounter. Each fencer will salute his opponent, the referee, and his or her club mates before every bout, and salute his or her opponent and shake hands after every bout.
- Masks and weapons should be returned to the student’s fencing bag or neatly placed in LJFA’s rental gear sections after practice. During breaks students should keep their gear with them at all times.
- When we are playing games or having team contests, cheering for your team is encouraged, but name calling and displays of poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated.
- Food and beverages are never allowed on the fencing floor. Students are expected to clean up after themselves on the fencing floor and all around LJFA. At LJFA we expect each student to be responsible for maintaining a clean, safe environment for learning.
- Respect for one’s self and others is also a major goal of good sportsmanship and discipline. Profanity, racial, religious, or sexually degrading comments and coarse joking will not be tolerated. Persons receiving such comments should report them to the coach immediately.
The sport of fencing is by its very nature competitive. In any given encounter, one fencer will be victorious, and one will be defeated. Learning to accept victory gracefully is at least as important as learning that defeat can be a lesson. Thus fencing by its very nature teaches sportsmanship, resilience, and mental toughness.
The heart of LJFA is our students. Following these guidelines our students and instructors can create a safe, fun learning environment.
LJFA Safety Rules
Fencing is a very safe sport. We expect our students to follow these safety rules at all times.
- The fencing floor is restricted to fencers only. Non-participants must stay in the observation area.
- Any illness, injury, or medical problems must be reported to the instructor before lesson/practice starts, or during the stay of LJFA.
- Warm up and stretches are required before a lesson or practice. Arrive 15 minutes early for it.
- Rough play or dangerous actions are prohibited whether intentional or not.
- Walking or standing close to the fencers when blades are raised or in motion is prohibited.
- Mask, jacket, underarm protector, long pants, and glove must always be worn when fencing.
- Fencers must always be masked when weapons are raised, point forward. This means on all occasions, including discussion of actions and during drills.
- Violent fencing actions are not permitted. Fencers must control parries and attacks so that the opponent is not injured by whipping or hard stabbing actions of the blade. If you cannot execute a flick properly, don't do it. Do not cause body contact nor use the unarmed hand against your opponent. Do not turn your back on your opponent.
- Stop fencing instantly if you think something is wrong or if your opponent retreats and waves the unarmed hand or gives any sign of wanting to stop.
- If you counterattack, you are responsible for preventing body contact, injury, and weapons breakage.
- If you think a weapon is broken, stop fencing instantly.
- Always point your sword down.
- If you feel a fencer is behaving in a dangerous or uncontrolled fashion, report it to an instructor immediately. They will speak to the fencer without disclosing your identity.
- Inspect your weapons and mask each time you use them. If you are using club gear and find any problem please report it to an instructor. Do not put the item in question back into club storage without reporting it. Club fees cover routine breakage and maintenance. You will not be penalized for reporting broken gear.
- Wear proper shoes for fencing (court or fencing shoes). Please be sure that shoes are clean when entering the fencing floor to avoid dust and moisture buildup which make the floor slippery.
- Fencers on the floor have right of way. Persons not fencing are obligated to keep themselves and their gear clear of fencers on the floor.
- Any person not abiding by LJFA rules may be subject to expulsion.